Freighting Sydney to London
Just for information purposes. I have just arranged for my bike to go by sea to Tilbury, UK and had a good far!
I used Crossocean Freight, namely Maria Moro tel: 02 9666 9220 (main switch).
Process as follows:
Take carnet to Customs Cargo Export Dept - ULM House, Link Road, Mascot - just near the airport terinal.
Book Export Exam at the export warehouse that Crossocean specify.
Meet Customs Officer there to witness exam and retrieve carnet.
Close the crate and walk away!
I just paid AU$650 brokendown as follows:
Dimensions are: 62cm x 132cm x226cm = 1.85cubic metres
Crating AUD$308.00 (Includes GST)
Freight: AUD$277.50
Documentation: AUD$65.00
Total: AUD$650.50
The crate was big enuff to contain the whole bike with only the mirrors removed. I put 2 panniers and a top box in too!
No insurance as you can see. That would have been another hundred odd bucks.
I will keep you posted on the state of arrival.