If you have any doubts about doing the work then I recommend you get the dealer to do it.
That said, I would rather overhaul the brakes on my Triumph than let anyone else do it, but then I'm very used to wrenching. it's not a tricky business provided you take care and keep everything clean ( the key to any work on brakes ). Get yourself a workshop manual if you don't have one (even the Haynes will do). Don't cut corners with brakes , if something needs sorting do it properly, since your life depends on it
(don't take this the wrong way - I don't know your level of expertise)
For parts I use Jack Lilley ( and I have found them to be fast, efficient and extremely helpful - to the point of sending me copies of pages from the official Trophy workshop manual so I could work out exactly which parts I needed to fix my gearbox.
usual discaimer - no connection to company except as a customer , yada yada yada....
The older I get, the better I was...