Those of a certain age may appreciate that vague reference to old-timey wrestlers.
Bottom line - I'm not a wrestler, unless either of my bikes get squirrely in the dirt. Then I'm the "Masked Menace hailing from parts unknown!"
In reality, I'm a Canadian living in Seattle trying to enjoy life and, for the most part, succeeding.
View from my Bellevue, WA office of the Cascades. Mt. Rainier is off to the right, outta sight!
I enjoy glass blowing, yelling at kids on my lawn and having airlines fuss over me when I rip them on Twitter.
Actually, I'm kidding. I've never blown glass before!
I do enjoy spending a week on the road with my Super Tenere, and learning new skills/scaring myself silly with my KTM 690 Enduro R.
Not far from home...
When I feel the need for heat, roll up windows, wipers and music, I'll explore some local roads in the mountains in our Toyota Tacoma. Not set up for expeditioning, but for playing around near home just fine.

Posing in the background...
I travel a LOT for work, and usually have the opportunity to enjoy places I visit for a day to two while there on business. Last big trip was three weeks in Europe (Munich, London, quick trip to NYC, Paris and Berlin). No exotic travel, just work and tourist stuff. Can you guess what I was doing in Munich?
Got to ride this 750cc Metisse while I was in London over the weekend...
Captured this at the end of 13 hours of riding trying to find my cabin on the Columbia River for a rally starting the next day - tired, pounding headache, hungry and in awe of the beauty I suddenly found.
March '13 saw me in Iceland for 5 days - got to enjoy a day offroading on glaciers and in the back country there - simply stunning.
Now, I have a question...
I signed up for the 2014 Yosemite meeting and paid for the registration plus a membership here...yet I haven't seen anything about the membership thus far - no email, nada. What do I need to do?