Emile says hello to all !!
Hi all.
Emile van Hoogdalem is my full name some of you will recognize it as a dutch name, and they are right.
I ride an 1986 XL 600 LM called 'Le mouton' with only 24.000 km on the oddometer and I am planning to add a few more along the way my round the world trip  which is also the reason for me posting here, I wanted to introduce myself properly first before I would be posting in "Ride Reports".
maybe I could also share my age... well I am the same age as my bike also year 1986 so 26.
thats me about 2.5 years ago on the day that I passed my motorcycle drivingtest In Germany, yes in Germanland  lived there for a while for studies.

here come's the bike!!
I will be posting my ride report here on the HUBB and on my blog.
I hope you will enjoy my adventures!
Last edited by Bertrand; 23 Jan 2012 at 18:48.