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Old 12 Jan 2008
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Eyup me duck

Eyup, just like to say hello to everyone bit new to this travelin malarky, bin round bikes most of me life, all being well, flying to Delhi, train up to Manali, renting Enfields and off we go up to Chinese border and back to Manali some time this August.

I have a few bikes,

1991 500 Bullet trial trim well modified
1990 350 Bullet trial trim
1949 Bantam
1953 Vellocette 350 Mac
1987 BMW r80 gs para
1999 Harley sportster sport (1200) stage 1 tuned.

look forward to meeting some of you some time soon
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Old 12 Jan 2008
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Eyup me duck from just over the border in Staffordshire. Plenty of iron there. I'll be looking for an airhead GS myself when I spot a good un.

Get yourself to Ripley for the annual meet. Follow the links on here. Just up the road for you.
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Old 12 Jan 2008
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Alright love?
From Nottinghamshire.
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Old 12 Jan 2008
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Orlrayt me ode ,welcom t'madhus ,thaas got a fair sillekshin o bykes septink fer t'Harley , but nee'er mind youth ,we all mek misteks once in a while .
Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light. - Spike Milligan
"When you come to a fork in the road ,take it ! When you come to a spoon in the road ,take that also ."

Last edited by Dodger; 12 Jan 2008 at 22:34. Reason: dunna know
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Old 13 Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by Dodger View Post
Orlrayt me ode ,welcom t'madhus ,thaas got a fair sillekshin o bykes septink fer t'Harley , but nee'er mind youth ,we all mek misteks once in a while .
At las sumun as cnn tork rayt:confused1:
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Old 13 Jan 2008
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could someone translate this into english please..as a midlunder form covuntraaaaaaay i need all the help i can get!!

jeff watts
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Old 13 Jan 2008
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Tek no nowtis o theez mardy boggers , sum on emz a bit stuck up , ride new BMWs an all that guz wi 'em - rayt tup eads sum on em !
Weather's a bit nesh ovver ere , bliddy snow , sowz ar reckin arl mash some tea and ay five minnits afore ar guz aht wit shovel t dig missen aht .
Dunna rekkin arl get biyk aht fur annuther month or tew.

Ah well ard best gerron .
Sithee !
Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light. - Spike Milligan
"When you come to a fork in the road ,take it ! When you come to a spoon in the road ,take that also ."

Last edited by Dodger; 13 Jan 2008 at 18:28.
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Old 13 Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by jeff_watts View Post
could someone translate this into english please..as a midlunder form covuntraaaaaaay i need all the help i can get!!


The first post is not a problem for use of the English language; it's the ones who joined in later, originating from Rutland and Westmorland, who need the translation!!
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Old 13 Jan 2008
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eyup Dodger me owd cocker!

Originally Posted by Dodger View Post
Tek no nowtis o theez mardy boggers , sum on emz a bit stuck up , ride new BMWs an all that guz wi 'em - rayt tup eads sum on em !
Weather's a bit nesh ovver ere , bliddy snow , sowz ar reckin arl mash some tea and ay five minnits afore ar guz aht wit shovel t dig missen aht .
Dunna rekkin arl get biyk aht fur annuther month or tew.

Ah well ard best gerron .
Sithee !
Sithee fella, yer upteryerarse in snaaa! git yer uvver aif ter dee all shuvellin, nee yowse keepin a bleedin dog an barkin thissen!

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Old 14 Jan 2008
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TRANSLATION - (for all you soft southerners and johnny foreigners)

"Orlrayt me ode ,welcom t'madhus ,thaas got a fair sillekshin o bykes septink fer t'Harley , but nee'er mind youth ,we all mek misteks once in a while."

Hello friend, welcome to the madhouse, you've got a good selection of bikes except for the Harley, but never mind friend, we all make mistakes once in a while.

"At las sumun as cnn tork rayt"

At last someone who speaks properly

"Tek no nowtis o theez mardy boggers , sum on emz a bit stuck up , ride new BMWs an all that guz wi 'em - rayt tup eads sum on em !
Weather's a bit nesh ovver ere , bliddy snow , sowz ar reckin arl mash some tea and ay five minnits afore ar guz aht wit shovel t dig missen aht .
Dunna rekkin arl get biyk aht fur annuther month or tew.
Ah well ard best gerron .
Sithee !"

Take no notice of these wimpy immature people, some of them think they are better than us, ride new BMW's with everything, not very clever some of them.
The weather is somewhat cool here, some snow, so I think I'll make some tea and have a break before I go outside and clear the snow away to dig myself out.
I don't think I'll be riding my bike for another month or two.
Well, I better get going.
Bye bye.

"Sithee fella, yer upteryerarse in snaaa! git yer uvver aif ter dee all shuvellin, nee yowse keepin a bleedin dog an barkin thissen!"

So friend, what you want to do if you have a lot of snow is to persuade your wife to clear it, it is no use having a dog and barking yourself.

That's all for now, oops, I meant to say, tha's rait youth.
P.S. the meat pies have come.
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Old 14 Jan 2008
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Owd up !

Originally Posted by onlyMark View Post
TRANSLATION - (for all you soft southerners and johnny foreigners)

"Orlrayt me ode ,welcom t'madhus ,thaas got a fair sillekshin o bykes septink fer t'Harley , but nee'er mind youth ,we all mek misteks once in a while."

Hello friend, welcome to the madhouse, you've got a good selection of bikes except for the Harley, but never mind friend, we all make mistakes once in a while.

"At las sumun as cnn tork rayt"

At last someone who speaks properly

"Tek no nowtis o theez mardy boggers , sum on emz a bit stuck up , ride new BMWs an all that guz wi 'em - rayt tup eads sum on em !
Weather's a bit nesh ovver ere , bliddy snow , sowz ar reckin arl mash some tea and ay five minnits afore ar guz aht wit shovel t dig missen aht .
Dunna rekkin arl get biyk aht fur annuther month or tew.
Ah well ard best gerron .
Sithee !"

Take no notice of these wimpy immature people, some of them think they are better than us, ride new BMW's with everything, not very clever some of them.
The weather is somewhat cool here, some snow, so I think I'll make some tea and have a break before I go outside and clear the snow away to dig myself out.
I don't think I'll be riding my bike for another month or two.
Well, I better get going.
Bye bye.

"Sithee fella, yer upteryerarse in snaaa! git yer uvver aif ter dee all shuvellin, nee yowse keepin a bleedin dog an barkin thissen!"

So friend, what you want to do if you have a lot of snow is to persuade your wife to clear it, it is no use having a dog and barking yourself.

That's all for now, oops, I meant to say, tha's rait youth.
P.S. the meat pies have come.
Thass worra sed !
Owd up ,onlyMark Mr Swanky bogger from Cairo , [Cairo ? - that muss be t'other side on Manzfeld someweer agin Rennuth ].
Well ah got fair starved wi snow shuvlin an' nivver a bit o snap , so time ter mend fire ,swilker me tea an tha can chuck uz ovver one o them pize an all .When arv ad me supper ,reckon arl ott up me watter an jump inter tub an flowt a bit o muck off .
Ah rayt ennuf !
Think arl goo naar , stay ont corsey Mark !
Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light. - Spike Milligan
"When you come to a fork in the road ,take it ! When you come to a spoon in the road ,take that also ."

Last edited by Dodger; 14 Jan 2008 at 09:20.
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Old 14 Jan 2008
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eeez reyt posh!

Originally Posted by onlyMark View Post
TRANSLATION - (for all you soft southerners and johnny foreigners)

"Orlrayt me ode ,welcom t'madhus ,thaas got a fair sillekshin o bykes septink fer t'Harley , but nee'er mind youth ,we all mek misteks once in a while."

Hello friend, welcome to the madhouse, you've got a good selection of bikes except for the Harley, but never mind friend, we all make mistakes once in a while.

"At las sumun as cnn tork rayt"

At last someone who speaks properly

"Tek no nowtis o theez mardy boggers , sum on emz a bit stuck up , ride new BMWs an all that guz wi 'em - rayt tup eads sum on em !
Weather's a bit nesh ovver ere , bliddy snow , sowz ar reckin arl mash some tea and ay five minnits afore ar guz aht wit shovel t dig missen aht .
Dunna rekkin arl get biyk aht fur annuther month or tew.
Ah well ard best gerron .
Sithee !"

Take no notice of these wimpy immature people, some of them think they are better than us, ride new BMW's with everything, not very clever some of them.
The weather is somewhat cool here, some snow, so I think I'll make some tea and have a break before I go outside and clear the snow away to dig myself out.
I don't think I'll be riding my bike for another month or two.
Well, I better get going.
Bye bye.

"Sithee fella, yer upteryerarse in snaaa! git yer uvver aif ter dee all shuvellin, nee yowse keepin a bleedin dog an barkin thissen!"

So friend, what you want to do if you have a lot of snow is to persuade your wife to clear it, it is no use having a dog and barking yourself.

That's all for now, oops, I meant to say, tha's rait youth.
P.S. the meat pies have come.
Eyupp `dodger, summats amarrer... tis ere feller talk all posh loike bureeecannunnerstannus! wassamarrer ere eh?
i reckon as ees not a reyt propper poshy, probly jus prettenin!

betcha ee owns a lardy arse GS an as ad ter learn ow to speek loike them so as to ave it fettled by big garridge wit BMW sticker onnit.

sethee after!

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Old 14 Jan 2008
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Ah flitted to Manzfeld Wudus, Bliduth, Sutton in Ashpit n Eastwood wen ah worra kid wi us mam n dad n scrated cos me mates didn't cos me dad woked int pit. But na ah must talk posh else our Gert ses that tha sounds like tha's free sheets ta wind.

Anyroad, Cairo aint got nowt on the Eight Bells in Manzfeld. It wa as ruff as a badgers arse n the crack ad clocks like a bulldog likking piss off a nettle.
Dodger, tha dunt wonna bath, it'll cum off ont sheets, dunt tha know that!
Martynbiker, yer aint as green as yer cabbage lookin ar ya!

Ah muss goun sort me rammell owt
Seeya (not if I see you first)
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Old 14 Jan 2008
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Zal ik er dan ook maar een beetje Hollands doorheen gooien, dan snapt tenminste niemand het meer, behalve andere nederlanders.
Jan Krijtenburg

My bikes are a Honda GoldWing GL1200 and a Harley-Davidson FXD Dyna Super Glide

My personal homepage with trip reports: https://www.krijtenburg.nl/
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Old 14 Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by jkrijt View Post
Zal ik er dan ook maar een beetje Hollands doorheen gooien, dan snapt tenminste niemand het meer, behalve andere nederlanders.
so you say that you are writing that so nobody gets it except other Dutch?
you forget about Babelfish! haha!

eyupp weezgorrer reytun eer! rekons wiyout power o'net! nahthen, bet yer can get Bebblyfish ter transmelate arll worram puttin!
Ah duz reckon ahm oppenin up e reyt basket o turds ere!

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