Greetings from a CRF250 in Thailand
Hi all,
Currently living in Chiang Mai, north of Thailand and has cruised all over Thailand with my CRF250L during 2017/18. Amazing bike which has taken me through rivers, mountains and seas!
I am now planning my SE Asia trip with the same bike. I would like to go Thailand -> Malaysia -> Indonesia -> Philippines -> Indonesia -> Australia -> New Zealand.
After some initiary research it seems to be hustle to take a foreign bike into the Philippines. I have emailed the PH traffic dep. (LTO) with some questions. But I am starting to wonder whether the best option would be to buy a bike in the countries I plan to visit, but at the same time I do not want to sell my precious CRF...
Perhaps theres anyone in this forum who have travelled SE Asia and have some first hand information, or could point in the right direction.
Have a fantastic day!