Greetings from Madrid
Hello everybody. Male, 42, riding a Beemer and living in Madrid.
I love to travel in my bike but I don't have much time. You know, demanding work, two daughters that stay with me a lot of time (I'm divorced and their mother travels a lot due to -another- demanding job).
But all in all I manage to do some 10.000 miles a year, mostly in Spain. I'll be travelling the Pyrenees this summer -might join the HUMM but I'm not sure, looks too competitive for me- and I'll be around Ronda June-July.
My dream: to do the Panamerican Alaska-Usuhaia. If I could only find the time!! A few days ago I've been offered to do Emilio Scotto's Caravan, but couldn't say yes due to my job. AAArrrgggghhh!!!
May be another time.
I'll be seeing you all soon, I hope.
Best greetings from the center of Spain!