Greetings from New Zealand
Hello fellow Hubbers,
I've just discovered and joined this group.
It promises to be very useful and informative for the journey my buddy and I are planning.
It's early days in the scheme so any suggestions would be most welcome.
We are looking at buying Royal Enfields in India and riding to at least Iran and then if all goes well through the Stan countries then back to India via China.
Sounds easy so far doesn't it?
I've ridden REs in India and Nepal and motorcycled in Australia and Europe and NZ too of course.
My first question (one of many I suspect) is what is the best thread on this forum to ask questions and gather information?
I'd really like to make contact with someone who has done the first part of this circuit relatively recently.
Many thanks in advance
Peter the Flying Kiwi.
Last edited by Flyingkiwi2020; 14 Apr 2019 at 09:16.