Hello and bonjour
Hi everyone,
I joined the site a while back but this is my first time actually using the site. When I joined I was about to take off, I had 3 months off and decided to go to Turkey. I guess I was looking for some inspiration before going but then I just went 
I was living in Paris at the time. It was a great trip, and I can't wait to start again.
In the mean time I'm riding during my holidays, went to Tuscany in May and will go to Britany (Bretagne) next month. Scotland and Norway are on the list too.
Hoping to take a sabbatical and ride from Alaska to Ushuaia, hopefully not on my own, or at least for some bits. And then south East Asia....
It's a bit tricky as a girl all alone, although I see some chicks have done it. And it's not just about safety, but also sharing. See how we go.
Oh, and I'm from Montreal but I live on the eastern side of France these days and will attend the even in Switzerland in August. Maybe meet some of you there?
Last edited by zerby; 17 Jul 2017 at 17:48.