hello Tabby
Originally Posted by Tabby
Hi Everyone
I have been planing a big trip for the past six months with the intention of visiting every capital city in Europe with my bike this has been a bucket list dream of mine for a long time. Being sixty this year and semi retired it was decided its now or never. I will up-date you all nearer the start date next spring its looking like an eight month journey of a lifetime.
Keep between the hedges
It's a good way to know really Europe , not the economical one like some politicians want to sell us , but the human one.
A friend of mine did it last year,i met him in september 2013 in St Amans HU mini meeting which was is first step of an 11 month travel joining all European capital cities riding an Ural outfit with his 9 years old son , you can visit his website "zac&olive" there are hundreds of pictures with comments (in french) and their track on a map . I made a trip in Scandinavia in june 2013 and could maybe give some details also about it .
Anyway ,maybe see you on your trip if you pass through Normandy  Regards Roger