Hi all, guess my name?
I joined a while ago, few weeks, but have not posted much, and didn't say Hi either..How rude!
Anyway, joined because I am off to Morocco in October for 3 weeks in the Land Rover. Been there before but not since 2007, and this is the first time I have been doing the organising.
The trip is a combined 4x4 and Astronomy adventure. I am taking my telescopes, a Meade LX90-8 SCT, a Meade ETX125PE MCT and an 86mm Refractor. If finances allow I may also acquire a Skywatcher 16" (400mm) Dobsonian.
The plan is to get as high into the Atlas as is both safe and practicable and enjoy the beautiful scenery and driving by day, and the glorious unpolluted night skies for several hours each night.
However we are all taking our Land Rovers so we plan to truly enjoy the visit and see as much as the time we all have available will allow.
Background...46 years old, three kids (2 mine and one inherited by relationship), I'm and Electrical Engineer with a passion for Astronomy (have an OU degree in it I am that sad). Have done many various things in my life, but now I'm a Dad (found out I was becoming a father as 42..eek!) I have calmed things down a bit, however the desire to travel and see the world has never abated, and as my two ankle biters get older (
) I plan to introduce them to the wonders of this world via travel as much as I am able...they already adore and can recognise Land Rovers...in fact my little boy (Max) who is only 2.5 years has a
habit of molesting Land Rovers as he seems to have a thing for wheels..
Anyway, enough boring everyone...HELLO!!