Hi from Neu-Ulm, Germany
Hi all,
I just signed up here in HUBB as part of my tour planning for Mongolia 2020.
My name is Jochen, 54 years old, living in southern part of Germany. I am driving motobike since 30 years now.
I travelled with my first bike XT600 Ténéré (1986) 15 years through Europe and Africa (Tunesia). I also made nice hiking trips a with my Trial bike (Montesa Cota 310) through Spain, France, Italy.
3 years ago I got a BMW GS 1200 ADV LC (2014) and fall back into travelling mode again. First tour was to North Cape, year after I was again in Norway/Finland/Sweden for a dog sledding tour with winter camping.
See also my blog at https://jochenontour.blog
For 2020 I plan a tour to Mongolia: starting at 01.05.2020, having 4 months time to reach Mongolia via old silk road (Iran, Tadjikistan, Pamir Highway, Altai).
Looking forward to share information and get inspired by all the travellers here.
CU, Jochen
BMW GS 1200 ADV LC (2014), Montesa Cota 310 Trial (1991), Yamaha XT 600 Ténéré (1986)