I wanna go to Argentina
Hi everybody!
This site is new to me, like all other forumsites on the web, they are all new to me.
My name Is Mads from Norway, and I recently got inspired to get a bike license so I one day can travel around Argentina on bike.
Just got a book to read and i thought i should start saving up for the adventure. Thats why im here in the first place, I felt like I should start somewhere easy
I know that a trip like this require alot of planning, time and money but maybe most important, a strong will to live life to the maximum.
I will start with reading your stories and hopefully pick up a few things that will help me along the way. This is a longterm project and not something i have money or oppurtunity to do at the moment.
I hope I get to know many people here who can help me do this thing. You will hear more from me when i got my license.