Hello Lars;
Welcome to the HUBB. I've checked out your web site, very impressive.
I'm a member of the International Motorcyclists Tour Club (IMTC), the oldest club in the world that is dedicated to motorcycle touring, perhaps you would be interested in us?
We operate on three levels, firstly as a local bike club. The national club is split into 5 regions, they organise Sunday rides, lunch or breakfast meets and trips to interesting places/events within their area. Secondly, we hold about four national hotel week-ends during the year, when members from all over the country descend on a hotel to chew the fat and plan their travels for the year. Finally, the international bit where members organise overseas tours for up to 20 people to participate in. This year we have shipped bikes to Australia, toured Northern Spain and Portugal for two weeks and there is a 10 day tour of Ireland to come.
The club is non-profit making, non-commercial enterprise so the tours and events are probably cheaper than you could organise yourself. We have a monthly magazine that informs members what is going on and gives them a chance to share their experiences with other members. We have several overseas reps (Canada, Germany, Italy, USA and Portugal) who can help if you need advice or assistance and we also have several foreign menbers based in the UK.
If you're interested check out the web site (not very good) at
IMTC.org - Interational Motorcyclists Tour Club or your local meet is between 9:00 and 10:00 at the Waterfront Cafe, Benson, just off the A329 on the first Sunday of the month, next meet tomorrow, 1st August.
I hope this is of interest to you and look forward to meeting you, perhaps.