Newbie from SoCal
I've been lurking for entirely too long.
40+ years of motorcycling (and probably at least as many motorcycles), Iron Butt rider, desert rider and a pretty fair hand as an overall wrencher/bikebuilder etc. I've always had some sort of motorcycle around, but most of my epic travels have been aboard the backs of equines for up to a year at a time. I've had my fun, but never for longer than 3,000 miles at a stretch when it comes to two wheels and mostly confined to North America.
My interests of late have turned to long-distance, small-displacement motorcycle travel on my own weird little creations and (for now) living vicariously through the ride reports of those on these pages, including my new friend "Norschweger".
Thanks to Grant for being my brain while mine was in the shop and helping me get back in here.