Hi folks, I'm stuck in Prince George's winter waiting for riding season so doing some 2015 ride planning research
I've got 2014 figured out (BC and AZ) so I'm onto 2015.
I've been to 3 HU meetings in Nakusp and enjoyed everyone of them (Grant and Sue are awesome!). I've ridden to the Arctic Circle in the north and southern New Mexico to the south and now its time to do some pre-retirement exploration in Mexico!
There are two of us (so far, riding Wee's) and we are looking at getting out of dodge early in April 2015, taking the coast down (~1 week), then ~4 weeks in Mexico and then taking a week to get home via an inland route (ie: NM, CO, UT) weather permitting. We plan to ride the Baja down, take the ferry across to the mainland and then explore MX before heading home.
With the approx. 4 weeks we will have in MX, I'd like some help with suggestions of must roads to ride, and places to see during that time (we have Copper Canyon and the Devil's Backbone on the list so far). I've been to Akumal on the east coast and PV on the west coast (1 week holidays) so I know a smidgen about the country. I rented a 250cc dual sport in PV when we were down a couple of weeks ago but got a nail in the rear tire in the first hour so it was a short excursion.
Once I retire (~10 years) I plan to head further south for a much longer ride, but for now I'm getting my feet wet with our first MX ride.
Rather than put up a newbie post in the wrong forum I thought I would start here and ask for assistance on where and how to find out what I'd like to know to plan our MX adventure.
I had a quick look at the Trip Planning forum but it did not look like it was organized by region (ie: Riding in Mexico, Russia, Europe, etc) so rather than stumble around I thought this would be a good place to start.
Thanks very much in advance!