Warin is correct, I'd ship into Denver and ride out to Sturgis ... day or so ride.
OR ... you could RENT bikes and ride there. You could go expensive and rent Harleys or BMW's ... or go cheap and cheerful and rent Triumph's, Vstroms or Versys.
Leave your own bikes at home. You just don't need them there as you'll mostly be ON FOOT once actually at the Sturgis party (goes for about a week)
It's funny, thousands of Harley guys transport their bikes to Sturgis in a pickup or trailer them. Funny. They unload them outside of town ... then ride back and forth around town all day!  This has to get really really boring!
Once you've been to all the bars and bought your fill of Black T shirts and leather chaps and got all the Tattos you need ... DO take advantage of the beautiful riding in and around the Black Hills of South Dakota.
I worked on a movie there ages ago ... spent two months, saw it all ... when Strugis happened ... we had to leave town. Too chaotic for us City folk
Have fun! BRING MONEY!