Greetings from Vietnam
Hello everyone,
Just to introduce myself since I've joined the forum finally after couple of years of passive scrolling and absorbing bits of information here and there.
My name is Nikola I'm 25 year old coming from Bosnia, one small county in Eastern Europe. I've been riding motorbikes for 2 years now legally since I've done my licence. First bigger trip was around mainland Tanzania on a RE Himalayan done in November 2022.
Currently I own not-so-exciting Kawasaki KLE 500 (not planning on up/downgrading yet) which took me to Chamonix and all around Italian and French Alps, some bits of TET there and in Bosnia. cca 6000kms in a month. No complaints.
Most of the time I fly and ride, which is less time consuming and allows having an actual job to fuel all the past and upcoming 'adventures'. Right now I'm in Vietnam doing that trip north-bound mixing up coastal hobbies and Annamite Range mountains riding up to (apparently touriststy but also a must do) Ha Giang loop and surrounding area. Also. In 2024 most probably doing a trip to South America again, still need to decide on countries and time.
Looking forward to meeting some of you amazing individuals, I surely got inspired reading some trip reports on here throughout the years of forum existence! Cheers