money changing in Iran
I am sure you will manage to change your australien eventually, but I think it is Euro and US dollar that is easier. Be aware if you have the plain-clothes police following, the money changers will deduct the policemans cut from your money, or not change at all. I had this problem in Tabriz, but it wasn't until I was interviewed in Esfahan that I undestood that I was under surviellence. I only met one other guy, an over fifties Canadian, who also was followed, but no other travellers had this problem.
To change in Bank Melli is a masochistic experiment, but very interesting as a viewing of the incredible bureaucracy that stiffles Iran. My bank man in Tabriz could quote Shakespeare and discuss Ibsen in the hour we had to wait for permission to exchange, and the paperwork!
Good luck, and safe travels
Peter, in Oslo