ah, you are in a car. no problem you will have to take the boat on the river for about 24 hours, it is not just a river crossing. but kamaz trucks take the ferry, no problem with a toyota. I dont remember the name of the small town now, just talk to truck drivers and they will show you on the map.it is maybe 300km east of yakutsk.
in a 4wd the road is not that difficult, I think, but drive carefully as the road starting from the sign post to the magadan oblast is bad. take food and fill up at every petrol station.
about airfreighting a bike from alaska. magadan airlines has regular flights to magadan, but as I said the road is very bad.
better would be vladivostok and than maybe take the train from skovrodino to chita. but if you are a good rider and riding an enduro you can also ride the bike from skovorodino to chita, but I have never been on this strech, so ask other people about roadconditions.
email me direct for more informations
mika from angarsk lake baikal