''As far as I'm aware it is illegal to take an Indian bike out of India (except Nepal and Bangladesh)''........................This is not strictly true, you can take an Indian bike out of India IF you have all the relevant paperwork. You could, for example, airfreight the bike or ship it!
''So buying a Nepali ("export model") Bullet in Nepal is your only option. A Nepali Bullet will also be an "export model" and more likely to pass the German TUV. An India bike will fail on most things like emissions/brakes.''................................Unfortuna tely not, the Enfields available in Nepal are exactly the same as the models they sell in India, with all the common issues !
can you buy a bike (in India) with an address and a PIO card? even if you are not an Indian citizen?................................PIO (now changing to OCI) has the right to own property in India, so yes !
I am told that if i wish to leave India with it, I just need a letter from the registered keeper giving permission. They then register as exported / scrapped etc...............................leave India for where ? The only neighbouring country that will allow you to enter without CDP is Nepal and as they charge 3x import duty, would you really want to permanently export the bike to Nepal ?
Once you're out of the country, you'll be sorted............IF you are the registered owner of the vehicle, leaving India is not the problem, the problem is that you cannot enter Pakistan or Bangladesh with it !
Who else knows what an Indian or whatever fake euro log book you choose looks like............................Well, the guys at the Pak, Nepali and Bangladeshi customs posts certainly do, and they know what a CDP looks like too !
In short,you can ride the bike into Nepal, but that's it. If you so desire, you can then airfreight the bike onward .