Hi Flo,
Thailand, Laos & Cambodia are easy.
VIETNAM you can more or less forget I'm afraid. In 2013 it was possible for a very short time, then not and then as with China in that you need a guide.
We have friends in SE Asia now who are still trying it but the agencies are back-pedaling very fast and now demanding $450 per day in costs. Will let you know if it works our for them.
You'll get 15 days at the moment for the car (and also fr yourself if you do visa on arrival: better to get your visa beforehand).
Then go to any of the many customs offices with your temporary import form and ask for an extension for the car. They'll give you 60 days I think. I think you can keep getting renewed until you've been there for a total of 6 months, can't exactly remember.
LAOS no issues at all. Visa on arrival, get customs temporary import form filled out and I think you pay a little tax, not much, don't honestly remember.
CAMBODIA although its not a carnet country they will ask to see it and also stamp it. If you don't have a carnet you apparently need to register with customs, via an agency, and get a temporary import license. This takes a couple of months and maybe costs a couple of hundred dollars. I'm afraid I'm not sure there, as we had a carnet.
Hope that helps