Forget Border-Crossing into Vietnam
Dear riders and drivers,
After I have tried at three different border-crossings (Cambodia and Laos) to enter Vietnam I am sure now: They don"t let any foreign car/motorcycle in their country if you don't have a Laos or Chinese number plate.
Up to January 2007 it was possible to drive to a border-crossing between Laos and Vietnam (e.g. Lao Bao) and to take a bus to the provincial capital to get a permit. THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE ANY MORE.
The only way to drive your private vehicule or motorcycle in Vietnam is to go to Hanoi and speak with police, tourist authorities and ministry of circulations. Best is to be backed-up by your embassy.
In reality: Mission impossible. HOwever, I have just been in Laos and it is no problem to get into this country. And believe me: it is a beautiful place to drive or ride.
Happy travels,