The gulf region & Iran Is safe place for travelers
I have been off roader all my life. In fact I was born in the middle east and I did spent great deal of my life traveling all over the region and north & sub sahara Africa.
The region enjoy a great & more civilized infrastructure like ports, airports and high ways etc. The sahara areas are very safe and secure and have a very friendly people with high moral ground.
I would advise every one to take a look at this part of the world for expedition and sahara activities. It has a great deserts with many history behind it back dated to pre civilization age, passing by judico - Chrisendom - Islamic civilizations.
I believe people who love exploring the world woud feel comfortable specially headache free & worry free of abductions. nothing is really worth the risk.
When I travel to the sahara I have one objective, I like to enjoy the sight seenery, enjoy the mother nature challeng Of surviving & navigation through out the unknown or unfamiliar routs.
I leave all of you with famous Egyption writer statement:
" call me unbrave man a thousand times, but do not say he was a brave man whom he died"