I give my car in India. Who want it ?
I am currently travelling by car from France to India.
I would give my car to any traveller wanting to travel with it for free if it is administratavely possible.
The car is the mythical french Citroen 2CV which is very good to travel : easy to repair, does not take much fuel, can open the roof, etc.
It is a flat-twin so any biker should also be interested.
You can see pictures of it on my blog : http://etienne2cv.over-blog.com
I should arrive in Calcutta the 7th of July 2007 and leave on the 25th.
If nobody takes it, I'll have to ship it back to France so if anybody has information about shipping a car from Calcutta, I am insterested (especially, has anybody a vague idea of the whole price : 500, 1 000, 5 000, 10 000 dollars ).