Vietnam to Germany
Hola (this is long but please read...)
Quick introduction, i'm a 25 year old Australian leaving on a RTW trip in October. Starting in philippins sailing for one month with a friend then moving on to Vietnam to start the overland adventure to Germany.
This is my question looking around these forums and my experiance with bikes im thinking a 250 is where i would be at for the SE asia leg of the journey. I want to buy one in Vietnam i preffer hondas but seriously open to anything even a soviet minsk. Any information would be appreciated muchly. is it cheaper to buy in another country? can i resell easily? what are costs?
Also for the india / middle east / europe leg i was thinking somthing with a bit more range maybe a 650+. again any tips would be greatly appreaciated.
Im thinking 6months to complete not sure...? then on to South America. what do you reckon? desperate for knowledge and advice :-)
thanks and journey well.