Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan - Need transport info
(I've posted the same question in the Northern Asia section - apologies, but we're under time pressure, and since it applies to both sections I thought I'd post it twice)
We're 2 motorcyclists/2 bikes and currently stuck in Osh. We had arranged all the paperwork for Torgurat Pass (and paid a deposit of 500 Euro to our agent for that). But thanks to the Kashgar bombings 3 weeks ago, the Chinese closed Torgurat Pass.
We're now looking into options of getting through China, or bypassing it.
- Has anyone got any current info about putting the bikes on a truck from Irkeshtam Pass to Khunjerab Pass?
- What about flying from Bishkek to Islamabad. Does anyone have any recommendations about which airline / freight agent to use here in Kyrgyzstan? And the costs involved?
Thanks a lot!