Mumbai Custons - I cleared my motorcycle on my own
and that is how i did it:
my case:
Freightworks in Dubai shipped it (forwarded the cargo to TeamGlobal)
ocean freight -> 68,- USD
local charges -> 428,- USD
courier charge -> 20,- USD (needed, because I left the UAE before my cargo, so my carnet and the bill of lading had to be sent via courier to Mumbai)
Greenwich, the local partner of Freightworks, was willing to help me in finding support...
TeamGlobal actually shipped it (delivered it)
costs (in INR):
documentation charges -> 1000,-
import destuffing charge -> 3025,- (charge depends on size/weight of cargo); paid to CFS (Container Freight Station, i.e. where the cargo is)
import endorsement charge -> 3500,-
import line delivery ord -> 850,-
import processing fees -> 200,-
import washing charges -> 200,-
service tax -> 1348,-
terminal handling charge -> 2237,- (charge depends on size/weight of cargo); paid to Carrier
TOTAL: 12360,-
Cargo was delivered to Nhava Sheva (which is about 80 kms from Mumbai on the road)
if you get your cargo cleared by an agent, expect to pay
11000,- INR (minimum)
quote by J.P.International, Tel 5633 3261, 5633 3263 (faxed to Greenwich)
6000,- clearance charges...
734,- tax
300,- stamp duty
2000,- CFS charges at Nhava Sheva
2000,- NOC from FIAA (e.g. this one is actually for free)
do it yourself:
generally speaking:
first step(s):
visit your shipping and/or delivery agent (mentioned on the bill of lading)
get the "delivery order" (expect to pay up to 12360,- INR and more for the charges)
visit the FIAA (WIAA) to get the NOC (confirms that your carnet is authentic); no costs
second step(s):
if cargo is at nhava sheva
for carnet go to UB (unattended backage) Center (the location seems to be known as Speedy Warehouse also), about one km from main customs house
on the first floor (at the entrance to the warehouse area)
you need:
letter from FIAA (confirms that your carnet is authentic)
copy of the bill of lading (which you get from your shipping agent)
office opens between 10:30 and 11:00
be prepared that it takes one to two whole days.
process starts at UB Center (not much you can do, besides following someone when you are asked to do so; your data is entered in various books, a file is opened...) they (a uniformed customs officer) guided me to the main customs house, where you get a so called NOC from R&I (an office in one of the top floors)
process continues back at UB Center
then they drove with me to the warehouse, where the motorcycle is located. a carpenter opened the box, in order to show the customs officer the chassis and enginee numbers. the box was closed again (expect to tip the carpenter (200,-))
process continued at UB Center (the day after)
form x (no joke) (two pages), "clearing vehicle" form (two pages), and "bombay motor vehicle rules" form (one page) have to be filled out and handed over; they could not really tell me, where you get those forms. i suggested that we take the forms from an old file, copy them, "whiten" the parts, which have been filled out, and copy the pages again. that was accepted;
they (a uniformed customs officer) guided me to the main customs house again, where you get a number for form x and your carnet. the officer guided me around (i tipped him 100,-), and even him they gave a hard time in getting the number (it took us hours). one official got the number from a computer system, and wrote it down on a sheet of paper (around 40,-). another official stamped the number then on form x and the carnet (on the wrong section in the latter case!). have a close look on what they are up to with your carnet, as in my case they wanted to use more than one page, stamped the exportation section (instead of importation and your own part on the upper left hand corner)...; the guy gets tipped a lot by the locals, i didnt give him anyting; process continued at UB Center (stamp... in Carnet);
how to get to nava sheva
catch a taxi from wherever you stay to New Ferry Wharf (Colaba to there: 50,-)
catch a boat (every 45 min) from New Ferry Wharf to Mora (Uran): 20,- INR
then a rikshaw to the UB Center: 100,- INR, sometimes more
how to get to FIAA (WIAA)
right next to churchgate (the building on the corner)
third step(s):
to pay stamp duty go to OSA bldg. (p.d. mello road, near GPO and/or Mumbai CST)
Mr. Adak (1st floor of the bldg.) was very helpful on that, I didnt have to do anything (they copied the carnet, filled out the "receipts for stamp duty" form...)
costs: 411,-
it has to be mentioned on the delivery order, that stamp duty has been paid (now)
fourth step(s):
go 2 CFS (container freight station), where your cargo is located
try to meet the manager, he will assign someone to you who guides you through the remaining steps (as you do the clearing on your own).
a form will/has to be filled out, the delivery order handed in, carnet copied (the page where it shows that you ran through the customs clearing process)
charges have to be paid (in my case approx. 1500,- INR, as I had the cargo stored for a couple of weeks)
in the warehouse itself you get another form (50,- + 20,- needed for "tipping")
you get back to the "clearing office of the CFS" and get the final delivery form
the carpenter opens the box for you again (50,-)
ignition, start, go - and slide the rear:-))
your almost on the summit (of clearing the motorcycle yourself): on the gate visit a last customs officer, show him the carnet and "final delivery form"
and then the pure, unadultareted, mindless fun starts again...