Nepal to Europe on Royal Enfield
Hi fellow travelers
I`m kind of travelling in Asia for the last 2 months and recently started to work on the bigger picture in order to keep myself busy. The more I thought about, the more the idea of driving home with a royal from india to europa turns out to be the best way to go for me. I`ve been riding motorcycles for over 15 years, so this shoudln t be a problem though. Reading through most of the threats about this very specific topic I still have some questions, hopefully some more experienced motorcycle travellers are willing to help
As the only way to get the carnet as a non indian citizen, I will have to register and buy the bike in Nepal. I`ve read though that some travellers managed to register officially with the help of a enfield dealer when buying a new one. Considering that prices for these bikes in nepal are much higher, this could be an option as well?! Anyone with some experience reg this topic?
Routewise I might skip Pakistan as I cannot apply in person in my homecountry. After reading plenty of topics it turns out that for EUR citizens somehow it is only possible to apply in your home country. So the solution here will be to ship the bike from eg Mumbai to South of Iran. Any recent experience or recommendation reg shipping companies?
I was planning to get my carnet via the german automotive association which shouldn`t be a big issue once ownership of the bike sorted properly. Just for my understanding of how the Carnet system works. I will have to block a certain amount of money of 3k euro as a deposit. My question would be as the bike is obviously not coming back to the country i bought it as rather will get exported to Europe, will it be possible to get a part of the deposit back at least partially ?
Thank you in advance for taking your time to read and maybe respond onto those beginner questions I`m still at the beginning ...