Ferries and stuff
I slammed my head against a brick wall for a couple of hours in Dumai. I didn't do it completely blind, I had a guy call ahead couple of days earlier, and had confirmation that Rp250,000 would get my bike and I to Melaka, Malaysia. But it was a no go. I tried to board a banana boat to Batam, which is still Indonesian, but only 40k's from Singapore. They could have taken me, all be it at great expense, but they were full of banana's. (Honest!)
I rode into the night towards Pakan Baruh (spelling?) and tried there early in the morning. Melaka no probs! Rp230,000 for the ticket and customs were great.
I did have some saftey issues to solve the next day, the Harbour Master and the ferries captain required some finantial lubrication before they were convinced. My haggling skills are so good we had the matter resolved in minutes. I simply emptied my wallet. Man, I have no back bone sometimes! Cost Rp450,000 to be precise, in addition to my ticket.
This crossing is quite possible, but takes a little creative thinking.
One small victory I did win; I was required to empty my petrol tank. My bike has two petrol taps so I just emptied one side so I'd have enough to find a servo at the other end. Cheeky!
Once again, thanks for all the advice everyone.