Hi folks, I've now arrived in Nanning from Vietnam. I have been trawling the bike shops and am getting conflicting messages from the locals re bike purchase.
1. First, it seems like 150cc is the biggest bike I can find here (although I did find a battered old CJ750 outfit which is of no interest to me). If a 150 is the biggest I can buy then I can live with that.
2. A NEW QingQi GS125 is around 5,500yuan with another 1,300yuan for rego - total 6,800yuan. Sounds good providing I can get someone to rego it in their name, but without a local interpreter I seem to be pushing up hill on that point.
3. I checked out used bikes (to get around the rego problem) and a used QingQi 125 seems to be selling for around 8-9,000yuan (these are the prices marked on the bikes and confirmed by the sellers and I've checked out over a hundred used bikes so far so it seems a little strange).
I don't understand why a used bike should sell for more than a new bike. :confused1:
I then checked out some cheaper used bikes (< 5,000yuan) and these bikes seem to have registration documents which have expired. I can't work out whether this is still Ok or not, and I have been told it is an extra 1,300yuan for another year's rego.
So in essence can any one clarify what is going on.
First, why would buyers apparently pay more for a used bike than a new one? Is there some additional cost on top of the new bike price which I have not been told about.
Second, do I need a registration document with a date into the future on it or is a bike with rego that expires in April 2008 ok?
Third, if I do need to renew the rego what is the procedure?
Many thanks for your help, this is my 3rd day in Nanning and I'm itching to hit the road asap.
Garry from Oz.