2300 units of MT800 are planed for HY1 2020.
Having a production in China doesn`t mean that all is crap. FYI: All german automobil brands are having production lines there and total output in 2019 was 140% higher than complete european and north american production together.
Problem with chinese productions will arrive later, maybe in 10-15 years. When they learned how to and they recognize that european technology transfer is oudated because chinese own strong r&d has grown more quality. If China then limits or close joint ventures to force own products on world markets european companies will play a minor role there. As stupid Trump acted but here he was absolutely right in his fears of industrial future. EU knows about and therfore still fights for getting equal company rights in China joint ventures.
It´s dangerous game and one reason why KTM is going to strengthen market leadership in Europe and North/South America.
Tackling asian markets strategly with help of CF Moto annual output capactiy of 50.000-100.000 bikes isn`t stupid to build economical strength. Efficiency focus is on supply chain mangement for production plants at India, China and South America which will be for price reasons in future the manufactors of worldwide sold middle products of portfolio. Only top end of portfolio and everything e-tech will be still build in Austria or Spain. Strong focuse to keep new development of e-bicycles and e-motorcycles from Huskie & GasGas trough a new created R&D company in Europe.
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