Honda SL230 vs XR250
Hi all!
I'm planning a RTW trip and working on the choice of bike.
Here are my requirements:
- I won't do extreme offroad. The suspensions only need to be soft enough to overcome unpaved roads and sandy trails.
- I wish it would cruise at 80km/h easily
And now there are 2 options:
- 2000 SL230, 70000+km completed, @1650USD
- 2006 XR250, 20000+km completed, @3480USD
I know that the honda XR250 is one of the all-time favorite of small bike riders so its performance should have no doubt defeat SL230. But in the above case the SL230 is a lot cheaper.
Also I'm worried about the ease of maintenance of SL230 because it's far less popular and it has a tubeless tyre in the rear. I wonder if the availability of parts is a problem when traveling in South America and Africa.
Advice is appreciated. Many thanks!
Kei from Hong Kong
Last edited by kei; 13 Jul 2014 at 08:32.