Is it worth it?
I´ve been looking for a 125 or 150cc bike for a little bit of everything, city, country, and travelling here in méxico and latin america (if I could find a 200cc or 250cc used in good condition and cheap I´d buy it). I´m conflicted now, because I don´t know if it´s worth it to wait and look more for a used bike like the Honda NXR150 bros and buy it for around $2,800usd or so, or buy a new bike that is not quite doble purpose for around $2,000usd.
(Prices are in mxn pesos, $20,000 pesos is around $1,700 usd)
The new bikes I´ve been looking at are:
Honda CL 150 Cargo - ($22,000) Bad fuel milage, but very durable and 11.3hp
Honda CGL 125 TOOL -($15,000) Cheap!! But not much power (9.7hp)
Yamaha YBR 125 (many versiones) - (depensd on the version but around $22,000 a $26,000) They lowered the hp to 9.7 so a little weak aswell.
Suzuki gn125 - ($22,000) Good fuel milage, more power than others 12.5hp...but rims are solid and a bit smaller than other bikes
Suzuki en125-2a -($23,000) Good fuel milage, 12hp, better brakes (I was told??) than the en125-hu
Suzuki en125-hu -($22,000) Good fuel milage, spoked rims, carrier rack...but apparently not as good as brakes as the en125.2a...???
Also, I´m worried that the suzuki´s parts are more difficult to find in latin america and more expensive as well...anybody know anything in regards to this?
Or I could buy the Honda XR125L new for $29,000 pesos (around $2,600 or so usd) however I´ve heard that this bike sorely lacks power, so being around $700usd more than most the others I´m not sure if it´s worth it.