I have got The F650 twin (800) so has plenty power I put a corbin seat on which has dropped the other halfs moans by about 90%, we have rode 2up
on tarmac very soft sand (had shit loads of spills tho) and heaps of bad corrogated roads as well as mud. I found it to be pretty dam good in all areas and we had everything bar the kitchen sink on board and the weight was not a problem. So I would consider this bike, however my wife and I are only wee people me being 5'4 and her 5'2 and that was the real reason we bought the bike, as before that we had a V-Strom 650 we sold it as it was just a tad heavy (for us) but it is with out a doubt the best bike out there
bar none !! (my opinion) and I sought of regret selling it. But what ever you choose get a comfy seat for both some hi-way pegs good music and a way you go !!!!