I travelled from Holland to Burkina with a MZ 250 in our group. It performed very well. No serious problems. Only in deep sand it lacked power, but 3 teeth less on the front sprocket....and it got through :-)
It even has some very nice features: its cheap (nice for a Carnet), the chain is completely covered, fuelconsumption is rather low and the tank big and most of all: the bike is very simple to work on. And all around the world you find mechanics who know two stroke engines...
If you want to ride in a Paris-Dakar-like style you should definitly take another bike because is slow and the susupension not to good. But if your goal is to just get there and take it easy, i think is can be done with a MZ.
But then, indeed it probably helps when you are a little MZ-mad to really enjoy it.
[This message has been edited by peterkik (edited 03 September 2002).]