RD03,RD04 or RD07????
Hi all,im in the planning stages of a RTW trip starting with Alaska to Argentina and then from there who knows?? I know I really should go for a lighter more modern fuel efficient bike with better brakes and all that but Ive had my heart set on an Africa Twin for years and I cant see me buying anything else now,the question is which one?? Ive been looking at a 1988 RD03 which is about £2000 cheaper than a decent RD07 and in my opinion better looking but its also a 25 year old bike so will probably need a bit of work! How much better is an RD07 "if its better at all" and has anybody had both in the past that could give an honest opinion.Or should I just sell my Fireblade and a KTM990 Aaaaaggghhhh:confused1: