Hi Roy,
I had an '85 DR600S as my first bike, did about 70 or 75.000 km on it.
The first 60.000 were without big problems but after that..
The clutch went at 60.000
the dynamorotor went at 65.000 (includes the CDI sensor, costly ..)
At 67.000 major overhaul with:
Piston + bearing, valves (exh), camshaft + rockerarms.
But thats what you can expect at that mileage.
I was satisfied enough with it to buy a DR again (DR800)
If you buy one, remember to adjust the balancer chain every 6000 km (along with the valves) not al dealers know this has to be done (also goes for the 800)
[This message has been edited by Jeroen Krijnders (edited 18 December 2001).]