The F will do two up and luggage, you just have to travel light and not try to do 1000 km in a day.
I wouldn't worry too much about capacity unless you have tax or insurance issues entirely based on it. In the 500-900cc class there is a huge range due to states of tune. My 790cc Bonneville when solo would tour two up with a pair of full Touratech boxes, pillion and roll sack full of camping gear. It would do 1000 km days (still will, just a little slower with more stuff in the sidecar). My dad had a Kawasaki ER-5 that while a little slower would do the same, his Moto Guzzi Nevada 750 will do it to. I test rode a Harley Sportster that felt like it wasn't going to worry about very much a european road trip could throw at it.
I think you need to look for a classic/cruiser style road bike in the 50-70 HP class and take it from there.
Are you looking new or used? Any problem with old technology? Any use other than touring? Want a bigger dual sport (Africa Twin? Transalp?).