Which Vespa- Suggestions?
Hello everyone,
I am planning a long trip in South America on a Vespa scooter. I am a Videographer and filmmaker and I want this to be my first big project, both as a trip and as a film. I have come to the conclusion that Marilyn, my LX150, is too small and slow for the trip, so I am looking to get a bigger one, either a 200L or a 250 GT. I know that the 250 GT is faster, more modern, and you can find them for about the same price, but I was told by a couple of people who have traveled down there that it is better to get the 200L because the engine is more common and with a carburetor it will be easier to get serviced in small towns if something goes wrong instead of having to find someone with a computer thingee to attach to the brain of the 250 GT.
Does anyone have any suggestions? It will be about 8000 miles over three and a half months, and I don't want to spend it in a shop waiting for parts.