yamaha or honda?
hi, this is my first post.
first I'll introduce my self:
Im a 27 years old Physical therapist, who a violent insident in my life change my way of see the life. Im chilean, and I speak spanish, but I tried to write and speak english (sorry about my writing mistakes). Im a mountainbiker but recently I get a motorcycle.
on march of the next year i plan to travel solo from santiago de chile to L.A. california. my route wasn't finished yet, but my idea is make it straight and fast (I only have 2 months to do it). I'll come back to chile on airplane.
this is my first travel, i am a beginer-medium level rider, and my two optios are:
1989 yamaha xt600z ténéré with 96.000 kms on it
the other is a honda NX 250 1992, with only 9.500 original kms
the countries I'll across will be chile, peru, ecuador, colombia, panama, central america countries, mexico and south of USA.
this will be a totally solo travel, with just a couple of kilos of luggage, im a 70 kilos person.
thanks for your help!
Santiago-Ushuaia-Alaska Right Now!!!