Will I ever be happy or satisfied?
Never done any real adventure riding / off road.
Local green laning on an XR250 Honda and an XT600 Tenere but not for 4 years.
Plenty of tarmac miles two up around Europe on a Honda Blackbird and now my current ride a Triumph Speed Triple.
We had the Blackbird 7 years and then I bought a new one which I kept for a year after which we bought the Speed Triple. I also had a R1, a Blade and a Honda SP1 in succession at the same time as the Blackbird.
Only 2 bikes at the moment, the Speed Triple and a 1972 MZ ES250.
This recent list just shows that I seem to be always looking for something else. The ultimate ride.
Are we spoilt for choice nowadays?
Back in 1975, my second bike was a 1970 Triumph DaytonaT100T 500cc.
Happy with it? Satisfied?
It was a case of having to be. Couldn't afford anything else so I put up with it for 2 years.
Reading threads on this forum I change my mind every day, hour, 5 minutes and then back again.
Happiness and satisfaction, to me, are a dream. Content for a while but when the novelty fades, off I go again.
Even if I had the talent and skill to build my dream bike, would I be satisfied?
Probably not.
At 52 years old , never been without a bike andand having owned over 35 bikes you'd have thought I would have grown up, but I'm still like a kid in a sweetshop where bikes are concerned.
I can't be the only one like this.
Do I need therapy?
My mind to me a kingdom is.