1vj oil pump
Hi you lot, hope you can educate me a wee bit.
I've got hold of an Italian import 1vj with 60,000 kms, which seems to wet sump big time. I have already replaced the ball valve in the clutch casing. Going through previous threads suggests that the oil pump is worn. A 3aj pump seems to be accepted wisdom. A call to the local friendly Yam dealer revealed the 3aj mk1 and mk2, both with different part no's. Which will fit my blue bomb? In due course the engine will be cracked open to find the state of the gearbox, but at present the box is smooth and quiet.
On a different note, the best cure for bad starting that I have found is,believe it or not, a centre stand. Seems she likes to be steady and level.
Is she a she or what???????