1VJ Petroltank extention
hola viajeros,
has anybody done an extention to his tank, I need some advise.
I left my bike (1VJ with original steel tank) in Brazil for about six months.
After I returned I found that the epoxid (which was put in two years ago in Oz to seal some leaks) and the petrol (in Brazil it contains 20 % alcohol) had mixed.
I cleaned the carbs, but I could not get all the epoxid out of the tank. There are big pieces inside now, and sometimes the filters block and the bike stops.
OK. As Africa will be the next continent on my RTW, I want a bigger tank - min. 35 Liters.
A friend here in Brazil builds trikes, he is very good in metal works.
I will have to open the tank anyway to get all the epoxid out and to get some of the cracks fixed. So I think of extending the tank.
Has anybody done this ? is there something I should know ?
from Sao Lourenco do Oeste / South Brazil