Hello, I love the Yamaha tech forum. I have learned a lot here.
I have had my 550 for a couple years now, I put 7 thousand miles on since buying it. The bike has 12,500 miles now. [IMG]
[/IMG] I opened up the engine looking for a whine in the primary gears, I now believe the roller bearing for the balancer has too much play and want to replace the roller bearing with the ball bearing from the 600.
[/IMG] I think the 550 balancer looks heavier than the 600 balancer and wonder if the ball bearing will hold up in 550? I think the ball bearing will keep balance shaft from floating in and out as the roller lets it do now. Any input, idea or hunch welcome.
I found Carl H.post on bearings...
http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...t600-2kf-47115... But I haven't found anyone who switched a 550.
The 550 is hard to find piston + rings for and I wanted to go to 600 cyl. since I bought it. Felt I might be missing out, so I found a 34k cyl. and its being bored to clean it up 95.25mm is all. Getting ready to enlarge case for it now.
95.25 not 101, as I see so many, I measured o.d. at bottom the of the 600 sleeve for case work, and that is 101mm+-.
Will my 550 head need combustion chamber opened up anywhere? I think both 550 and 600 chamber look the same size.
My engine is all apart now, I also found rough bearing 6004 on output shaft.
Any pointers , cautions, criticism welcome. Otis0