89 xt600 fork oil capacity
This being my first post and all, I'd like to intro myself. I've recently bought a 89 xt600 US model. It needs some loving but rides and runs well considering the price and miles.I have ordered a clymer but not here yet. I've been lurking on this site for a while and find it cool that there are so many different countries represented and united in their love of 1 thing,  and women, oops sorry wrong post, THUMPERS I meant thumpers.
Since my manual is not here yet I was wondering if anyone would know the cc amount needed in the front forks. I put in 483cc,s as this is what I garnered off the web. I have done a few searches on this site but found nothing definitive. The 483 seems like it may be low. I've also heard 507 and 517 cc's. THanks for your responses. I won't post often as I feel I have more to learn than to teach however I will be lurking in the background. Be safe and keep the shiney side up. JK
Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it!