I bought most of my parts from 1989 XT600W Yamaha Motorcycle Parts
the needle valve came with the screen off and it could have been left off or snapped on(which I did). If the screen was plugged it wouldn't go to higher revs and just stall or pop/bog, due to running out of fuel. At steady throttle it would jerk and surge.
To me it sounds like the secondary carb may be out of sinc or opening too soon/late and changing fuel mixure too much. It starts to open at about 1/3 throttle, but doesn't adversely start doing it thing until 1/2-2/3 , technically.
If you want to check it you can turn the screw that sets when the secondary opens. First screw it out 3 or 4 full turns,see if the stumble changes, then turn it back in 6 or7 and repeat. Try to keep track of turns so if needed you can put it back to original place.
That the one with the leaky/broken jet housing right? Again, I'm picking more xt's and parts this Sat and this guy says there is two carb setups( an '85 and '84), I should be able to send you that secondary carb with the rocker cover. It may be a little different but I have an '88 also and will send all parts to change over.