Kenda Tyres
Since you aren't getting very many replies, I'll throw in my 2 cents worth. As for a front tyre, as long as it isn't rubbing on the rubber boots of your front forks, it will work. The bigger the front tyre, the better, as far as I'm concerned. Then again, I ride with a big load and am now almost 2 years into an around-the-world trip.
The recommended size is 90/90. The first number is the width, the second is the height. Your 80/100 will be narrower, so it will definitely fit between the forks, and give you more protection for your rims if you hit a pothole. If wishes were horses I'd fit a 100/100, but traveling where most bikes are small you have to buy what you can get. In Botswana, where I live, there's a lot of heavy sand and the best tyre I had was a 3.25/3.50 x 21, imperial measurement, but I had to pinch the fork boots with a cable tie.
As for Kenda, when I left on this trip I put on a Kenda dual sport rear tyre and you probably won't believe me when I say it went for 42.000 km's. I was sorry to say good-bye to that tyre because I couldn't get another one like it.
In the end, it depends on what you want to do with your bike. If you're just bombing around in the bush on the weekends with no load, the 80/100 will be perfect. If you're loading your bike you'll probably be better off with a wider tyre. But I'm not an expert. Maybe some of the super users on this site have a different opinion.