Question about tank modification
Thanks for attaching the photos of your xt600 with the acerbis tank. It looks really good. I am considering doing something similar and I was hoping you could answer a couple of questions about your project.
One of the reasons I am considering changing the tank is that the scoops that fit around the tank are missing on my bike. So first question: Is there any down side to not having the scoops?
Second question. I noticed that the seat had changed appearance and that it there appeared to be a gap between the front of the seat and the back of the tank. Care to comment?
Last question (promise) I noticed from the picture that there was a triangular, or pie wedge shaped area on the side where the tank meets the seat. Is this part of the tank, or is it a new panel that you have made to fit a hole.
Anyways, I really liked the look of your bike and was hoping you could shed some light on how you went about it.