I dynoed my 2003 xt600e. With opened up airbox, foamfilter and opened up the stock exhasut, it was a tiny noth rich in all spectres.
They do come rich from the fabric to keep'em nice and cool. Mine was meassured at around 22 celsius, and at sealevel.
Do some sparkplug checks if ya wanna. Looking back, I would'nt have made such an effort to play with the carb on mine when i further "tuneded it up" I went way to rich on the jets, going only from 130/120 to 140/130.
Do your mods, keep it stock, and check the plug after 3 rides.
1) Running a while in low rpm
2) Running in the midrange
3) running af wot.
Do all these tests and take picture of your plug. When you test, use the clutch and hit the killswitch when you stop, and make the test with a warmed up engine.
If its lean/rich in the low rpm set fuelscrew or change the idle jet. In the midrange you wanne be playing with the needle, and in high/wot you are playing with the main jets.
Theese test wont take long, ang you will have a really good indicator.